JAECO is a manufacture wholesaler. We have distribution partners in multiple countries and we will happily point you to one of our partners if you call 501-623-5944 or email info@jaecoorthopedic.com. If you would like to purchase systems for your facility or want to become part of our dealer network please contact us at 501-623-5944.
While all situations are not alike, in many cases our products are covered by insurance. These systems are coded as wheelchair accessories so please contact your local durable medical equipment provider for more details on your specific situation.
Yes, JAECO will happily deal directly with your facility. Please contact us at 501-623-5944 to setup an account and get pricing.
See our Resources and Manuals page for more information. You can also schedule a live video conference for setup and adjustment assistance regardless of how you purchase your system.
We offer live video consultations to help evaluate and make suggestions on the best product line for your muscle picture and activity goals.
Our multilink systems are customizable for your specific needs. A full system will consist of a mount (chair or table) arm (with or without elevation assistance) and a forearm support sized to fit. If you are attaching to a power chair you may also need a mount relocator to achieve optimal positioning.
You can send an image of your chair back to info@jaecoorthopedic.com and we will suggest the proper system for you.
Call us at 501-623-5944 and we can help you take the proper measurements.
Many insurance providers want to know that our system will provide benefit prior to purchase. In order to accomplish this we can work with your healthcare provider or durable medical equipment provider to schedule a trial of our products. For details and proper forms please visit our Request a Trial page.